It was pretty annoying getting this really basic layout to the point where my eyes didn't burn when I viewed it from my phone, so feel free to let me know if I need to change it for the sake of anyone else's eyes! I tried to keep the yellow to a minimum -- it's just such a happy color.
Today instead of sleeping as I should be I was reading threads on various forums, and I came across one about sea creatures, and how strange they can be. I'm grateful for that thread, because it reminded me how much I've been completely dying to do a series of pieces on sea creatures!
I've got until the 26th of the month before work resumes on
Broken, the Game by which time I need to have a new tablet stylus... SO! Until then I think I would like to take this opportunity to dive back into watercolors and ink, which I haven't touched in way, way, way too long.
I've committed it electronically now! So now there's a record of this for me to feel slightly accountable to. :)